
Showing posts from 2017

My Wife's Sister

We knew that things hadn't being too well between my sister in law and her husband but it was still a surprise the day he left her. While my wife and her sister were very close, I didn't really know her that well as we weren't a particularly close family. It was the first time Karen had been alone after many years of marriage and her ex had done nearly everything, so she was in real need of help and support. My wife, Laura, asked me to go round and do odd jobs for her and to help her sort her finances. They had been mid way through renovating their house when he left. As the weeks passed, I spent hours on evenings and weekends at Karen's house helping out and we started to grow closer and closer. Karen was in her 40's and really quite attractive. She was quite petite with strawberry blonde hair and small, pert breasts that matched her small frame. She was quite different to Laura who was taller and curvy. We had been getting very com